Torball News

Torball World Cup videos available
Do you fancy watching the women's or men's final matches at the 2014 IBSA Torball World Cup in Austria in September?...
Read more Torball World Cup videos available

Results in from IBSA Torball World Cup and European Cup
The 9th IBSA Torball World Cup and 24th IBSA Torball European Cup took place last weekend in Innsbruck (Austria). The official...

Torball World and European Cups in Austria
This weekend sees the world's best Torball teams and players gathering in Innsbruck, Austria, to compete in two prestigous...

Torball adds events to IBSA Competition Calendar
A number of new Torball events coming up in the next few months have been added recently to the IBSA Competition Calendar,...

Torball events added to IBSA Competition Calendar
A number of new Torball competitions have been added to our competition calendar, including this year's European Championships...

New Rules for IBSA Sports - IBSA Newsletter January 2014
Following a lengthy process of engagement with the IBSA membership, new rules for the period 2014-2017 have been adopted...

Vorarlberg and Waasland win IBSA European Torball Cup
There were trophies for Austria and Belgium at the 23rd European Torball Cup, held in Antwerp, Belgium, this weekend, as...

23rd IBSA European Torball Cup begins in Belgium
Antwerp is the host city for this year’s IBSA European Cup in Torball, where defending champions BSS Tirol (men’s...

23rd IBSA European Torball Cup
Please note the 23rd IBSA European Torball Cup will take place in Antwerp in Belgium, and not Brussels as previously announced....
Read more 23rd IBSA European Torball Cup

Results in from 4th international Torball tournament in Vienna
Hosted by the VSC-ASVÖ Versehrtensportclub Wien at the Schulbrüder Sports Hall, the tournament brought together...