Our strategy
Our strategy
IBSA is more likely to achieve enduring success with a fixed purpose and core values, whilst its strategy is constantly tuned to the needs of a changing world.
Our strategic goals are based on our mission, vision and values.
Full IBSA Strategic Plan 2020-2024
Structure and good governance as an International Federation
As a worldwide sporting body, answerable to more than 110 member federations and many thousands of blind athletes, IBSA has a duty to ensure that it establishes sound structures and puts in place systems of the highest standard.
Building and sharing knowledge
As the organisation with the most expertise and interest in blind sports, IBSA can position itself more as a pivot of blind sports. With the help of experts in different areas, IBSA must build its reputation as the knowledge centre for sports for the visually impaired.
Advocacy and Ambassadorship
Apart from the tasks as an International Federation for the sports we govern, IBSA has defined its role as an organisation responsible for advocating for athletes with visual impairments and focusing on development.
Service provider
Based on the expertise and network that IBSA has built, we are able to deliver services for other organisations such as expertise in classification.
In order to help the organisation grow and secure the services we deliver, IBSA will build a sustainable position in an organisational structure, finances and staffing.