Therapeutic Use Exemptions
Therapeutic Use Exemptions
Athletes, like all others, may have illnesses or conditions that require them to take particular medications.
It is an athlete’s responsibility to ensure that any medication they take to treat an illness or condition does not fall under the WADA List of Prohibited Substances and Methods.
Occasionally, athletes may need to take a medication that is on the List in order to treat an illness or condition. Before doing so they must apply for, and have granted by an Anti-Doping Organisation, a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE), which may grant them authorisation to take the required medicine.
Athletes competing in IBSA-approved world or regional Championships (for example: European, American, Asian or African) who require a TUE should apply to IBSA in good time.

All TUE decisions must be entered into ADAMS no later than 21 business days after receipt.
Failure to do so will result in a declaration of non-compliance, in accordance with the ISO certified WADA process for non-compliance.
International Standards for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE)Athletes are advised to treat the matter of TUEs very seriously, and in all instances, to seek expert advice. Using a prohibited substance or prohibited method before being awarded a TUE Approval could constitute an anti-doping rule violation.
If you are an athlete, please contact your National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) to request a TUE. You can find information about your NADO by clicking here.
Download the Athlete's TUE Process Guidelines Download the IBSA Therapeutic Use Exemption Form