Torball News

Athletes: How to stay safe and well
IBSA understands that for athletes, this may be an upsetting and unsettling time. Your routines have been disturbed, your...

WADA 2020 List of Prohibited Substances enters into force
With the turn of the new year, the World Anti-Doping Agency's 2020 List of Prohibited Substances has come into force...

IBSA Europe Round Table 2018 registration extended
The deadline to sign up for the IBSA Europe Round Table on blind sports has been extended until Tuesday November 13th to...

WADA hosts Global Education Conference in Beijing
By WADA From 24-25 October 2018, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) held its second Global Education Conference...

WADA publishes 2019 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods
By WADA The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published the 2019 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (List); the 2019...

IBSA General Assembly to take place in Fort Wayne, USA; 2019 World Games update
The International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) has announced that its next General Assembly will take place in Fort Wayne,...

Torball updates info on Italy tournaments
The organising committee for the IBSA Torball World Cup and European Cup 2016 has released more information on the arrangements...

Torball and Showdown events confirmed for Italy
IBSA has approved two applications from FISPIC, the Italian Paralympic Federation for the Visually Imnpaired, to host events...

IBSA sports and Man Com meet in Romania
Representatives from IBSA sports gathered in Cluj, Romania, last weekend, for meetings with the IBSA Management Committee....

IBSA publishes updated list of licensed athletes
Following the 2015 Seoul IBSA World Games, IBSA has released an updated list of athletes who are on the classification master...

IBSA Classification Master List update
The IBSA Classification Master List has been updated to include results from all IBSA competitions held during the period...

IBSA Torball European Cup 2015 confirmed
The IBSA Torball Committee is pleased to announce that the 25th IBSA European Torball Cup will take place in Poland in 2015....