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Goalball and Judo classification lists updated
Goalball and Judo classification lists updated

IBSA has released updated versions of the Judo and Goalball master classification lists. The lists are correct as of March 21st 2016 and include results from recent sight...

Blind Football weekend in Portugal a great success
Blind Football weekend in Portugal a great success

IBSA Blind Football has returned from Lausada, near Porto in northern Portugal, following a highly successful training weekend involving local players and coaches. The wo...

IBSA Blind Football heads to Portugal
IBSA Blind Football heads to Portugal

IBSA Blind Football is on its way to Porto in northern Portugal this weekend to help develop football for blind and partially sighted players in the country. As part of t...

IBSA Judo calendar available
IBSA Judo calendar available

The IBSA Judo Committee has come up with another great way to promote the sport and let people show their support for blind and partially sighted judokas. The committee h...

IBSA Blind Football World Championships 2018 – bids to host
IBSA Blind Football World Championships 2018 – bi...

The IBSA Football Committee would like to remind all IBSA member countries that the deadline to express interest in hosting the 2018 IBSA Blind Football World Championshi...

Shooting Ostrava Cup 2016 announced
Shooting Ostrava Cup 2016 announced

The shooting competition Ostrava Cup 2016 has been announced and will be running between 15-09-2016 and 18-09-2016. For further information, including an entry form, down...

Poland to host IBSA Judo seminar
Poland to host IBSA Judo seminar

Wrocław is to host a blind judo seminar aimed at coaches and referees next month. Jointly organised by the Polish Judo Association and the IBSA Judo Committee, the semina...

IBSA Goalball Conducts Successful Sport Clinics in Africa
IBSA Goalball Conducts Successful Sport Clinics in Afri...

In conjunction with the 2016 IBSA Goalball Africa Regional Championships, IBSA Goalball conducted a series of clinics while in Algiers that were targeted to share knowled...

Goalball, Judo and Football Five-a-side – important Rio 2016 reminder
Goalball, Judo and Football Five-a-side – importa...

Athlete bios for Rio 2016 Paralympic Games – important reminder This is a reminder for countries whose goalball and blind football teams have qualified for the Rio...

Everything is Golden for Algeria Goalball
Everything is Golden for Algeria Goalball

Staoueli Gymnasium in Algiers, Algeria was charged with excitement as the final 4 matches of the 2016 IBSA Goalball Africa Regional Championships would be played to deter...

IBSA Showdown ranking update
IBSA Showdown ranking update

The IBSA Showdown Committee has released its updated ranking list, including all ranking tournaments held up to February 25th 2016. Click here or on the links above...

IBSA Judo Committee announces Bipartite Comission slots
IBSA Judo Committee announces Bipartite Comission slots

The IBSA Judo Committee is pleased to announce that the following countries (by names) have been granted Bipartite Commission judo slots for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games...