IBSA Showdown Committee looks to appoint continental representatives
Date: September 17, 2018
Category: Showdown
The IBSA Showdown Committee has decided to seek nominations for the post of continental representatives for the different regions on the committee.
The continental representatives will play an advisory role, holding speaking but not voting rights, and will be encouraged to provide suggestions and feedback on committee proposals concerning the development of showdown in his/her continent.
The announcement comes just days after Hanna Vilmi from Finland was confirmed as the Athletes Representative on the committee.
Continental representatives must be approved by the IBSA Showdown Committee and will be formally appointed by the IBSA Executive Board.
Nominees must meet the following requirements:
– nominees must be supported by his or her national IBSA member organisation;
– nominees must be in possession of an appropriate sports background certified by the IBSA member organisation in his or her country of origin;
– be nominated by an IBSA member organisation which has hosted showdown courses for referees, coaches and sport events, held or recognized by the IBSA Showdown Committee;
Interested IBSA member organisations may submit their nominations by email to:
Massimo Sanapo
IBSA Showdown Sport Committee Chairman
[email protected]