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World Anti-Doping Agency publishes 2013 Prohibited List

Date: October 2, 2012


Following approval by the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) Executive Committee on September 10, the 2013 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods is now available.

WADA has produced the list in mobile-friendly formats In an effort to provide stakeholders with tools to support anti-doping activities; following the successful iPhone application introduced in 2011, the 2013 Prohibited List will again be available on iPhone and other mobile devices.

In addition to English, French and Spanish versions of the list, it is also possible to translate the List into other languages. Stakeholders who wish to translate the List can do so by November 1, 2012 and send WADA the new version to be inserted in the mobile-friendly platforms at minimal cost.

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To consult the 2013 Prohibited List, the 2013 Monitoring Program, a summary of modifications on the 2013 List, and a Q&A on any changes, please click here.

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