Super European Goalball League 2016-2017 Schedule Announced
Date: April 7, 2016
Category: Goalball
Dear Goalball Friends,
The main teams of the Super European Goalball League (SEGL) are pleased to announce the dates of eh 2016-2017 season! Unfortunately, the current champion, Saltinis from Lithuania won't participate as a main team next season, but we are happy to announce the addition of a new main team, RGC Hansa Rostock from Germany.
We are looking for additional teams for our tournaments. Our priority is club teams, but national teams also warmly welcomed. If your team is interested in playing in the highest level Goalball tournaments in Europe, please contact our organizers.
2016-2017 Season:
1st Stage
4-6 November 2016
Rostock, Germany
Organizer: Hansa Rostock
Contact: Reno Tiede at
2d Stage
9-11 December 2016
Espoo, Finland
Organizer: Old Power
Contact: Erkki Miinala at
3d Stage
10-12 February 2017
Malmo, Sweden
Organizer: FIFH Malmo
Contact: Fatmir Seremeti,
Please direct questions to Erkki Miinala,