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Goalball Rules and Regulations

Date: February 4, 2025

Category: Goalball

The IBSA Goalball Sport Committee made adjustments to the rulebook based on extensive feedback during its meeting on December 28, 2024. These changes have been confirmed by the IBSA Executive Board.

The noise rule will remain in the rulebook for 2022-2024 in terms of wording and interpretation. Additionally, the wording in Rule 29 has been revised, and the deformation of the ball has been included as a regulation (Rules 29.5, 29.6, 29.9). Furthermore, spelling and grammatical errors have been corrected.

Goalball Rules and Regulations:

Other rules were also discussed, which will continue to be tested. This primarily concerns the removal of the “play” command.

Inquiries and feedback regarding the rules can now be sent directly to Robert Avery at [email protected]. The current version of the rulebook applies to all official IBSA tournaments.

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