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Process to update and change the Tournament Regulations and the Referees Programme.

Date: May 16, 2012

Category: Goalball

The IBSA Goalball Committee is working on the process of updating the rules and regulations. This is a process, as you probably know, that is undertaken every four years. The rules for the next 
period, 2014 -2017 must be approved by the next IBSA General Assembly.
The rules and regulations are divided into three parts.

–  A Game rules
–  B Tournament Regulations
–  C Referees Program.

Boris Samuelsson (Sweden) is in charge of the Game Rules process. This process has reached its deadline for suggestions. We have received suggestions for changes of more than 100 rules. Altogether we have received 160 suggestions. 

We are now starting the process to update and change the Tournament Regulations and the Referees Programme.
In charge of updating the Tournament Regulations is Rob Crestani (Australia). Suggestions can be sent to before June 1st.
The referees program will be updated by Aurora Zanolin (Italy). Suggestions can be sent to before June 1st.

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