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Invitation – Malmö Men’s Goalball Intercup
Invitation – Malmö Men’s Goalball Intercup

Many of you would be familiar with the Malmö Lady Intercup, a very prestigious Goalball tournament for female national teams. Well, this August sees the return of th...

IBSA grows as Andorra and Montenegro join
IBSA grows as Andorra and Montenegro join

IBSA, the global federation for sports for athletes with a visual impairment, continues to expand as new countries sign up to be part of the IBSA fold. In...

Africa calling IBSA Goalball referees
Africa calling IBSA Goalball referees

This is a call for IBSA Goalball level II and level III referees wishing to referee at the 2013 IBSA Goalball African Championships.   The championships will be held...

Live Goalball out of Australia this weekend
Live Goalball out of Australia this weekend

This weekend sees the Australian Invitationals take place and everyone is welcome to watch.   The tournament will be streamed live at

Turkey confirmed host for IBSA Goalball Europeans A
Turkey confirmed host for IBSA Goalball Europeans A

IBSA Goalball is excited to announce that Turkey has been approved as the host nation for the 2013 IBSA Goalball European Championships Men & Women A.   The tour...

Full results from Super European Goalball League (SEGL) round 2
Full results from Super European Goalball League (SEGL)...

Saltinis from Lithuania stay top of the Super European Goalball League following the second round of the event, held in Malmö, Sweden, last weekend. Saltinis an...

Results from Nicaraguan Goalball Championships 2013
Results from Nicaraguan Goalball Championships 2013

Click on the link above to view or download full results and final standings from the 11th Nicaraguan National Goalball Championships 2013. The event, organised by FEDCOP...

Super European Goalball League live this weekend
Super European Goalball League live this weekend

This weekend sees the second leg of the Super European Goalball League (SEGL) take place in Malmö, Sweden. For those who are unable to attend, no need to threat beca...

New football and judo events added to IBSA Competition Calendar
New football and judo events added to IBSA Competition...

The following events have been approved by IBSA and added to the Competition Calendar: Football IBSA Copa America 2013 Dates: 19-29 September 2013 Location: Salta, Argent...

German Blind Football Bundesliga 2013 to kick off in April
German Blind Football Bundesliga 2013 to kick off in Ap...

This season’s German Blindenfussball Bundesliga is set to take place over several weekends stretching from April to September. The league is organised by the German...

Urgent Reminder to IBSA Goalball referees
Urgent Reminder to IBSA Goalball referees

This is a reminder to all IBSA Goalball referees that your fees for 2013 are due by 31 March 2013.   You should have received a reminder about this via e-mail along...

Powerlifting – update from the IBSA Powerlifting Subcommittee
Powerlifting – update from the IBSA Powerlifting...

The IBSA Powerlifting Subcommittee, led by Nezam Dodel, has contacted all IBSA member nations with an update on recent activities in powerlifting for the visually im...