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Another Goalball recertification course confirmed
Another Goalball recertification course confirmed

Many IBSA Goalball level III referees need to be recertified under the new rules for the period of 2014-2017.   Another course has been set where this can happen. &n...

IBSA Goalball introduces tournament commissioner
IBSA Goalball introduces tournament commissioner

IBSA Goalball would like to announce a new position that will be at upcoming tournaments from now on. This is the role of commissioner. The role is outlined in the new ru...

Referees and ITOs for Goalball Europeans A
Referees and ITOs for Goalball Europeans A

It is pleasing to be able to announce the next group of successful referees who have been chosen to officiate at a regional championship.   The below list of names a...

Goalball level III referees – recertify in Finland
Goalball level III referees – recertify in Finland

January 2014 will see the Pajulahti Games taking place for the second time in Nastola, Finland. These games are scheduled for January 17-19 2014.   The games are a m...

Nominations for IBSA Board announced
Nominations for IBSA Board announced

IBSA has published the list of candidates put forward for election to executive bodies at its upcoming 9th General Assembly in Copenhagen, Denmark. Elections to the IBSA...

Lyon organising ladies Goalball tournament
Lyon organising ladies Goalball tournament

Goalball Lyon is organizing an international tournament for female teams this October. This is a great chance to attend an international tournament leading up to one of t...

Madrid hosts FEDC International Goalball Tournament
Madrid hosts FEDC International Goalball Tournament

Today sees the first day’s play in this major international event, which brings together nine national goalball men’s teams and four women’s teams in Ma...

Goalball major tournaments – Balls and court surfaces
Goalball major tournaments – Balls and court surfaces

Many teams are now in the full swing of preparation for the upcoming 2013 IBSA Goalball regional championships.   So all competing teams can make the best out of the...

Full results and final standings from IBSA European Football Championships uploaded
Full results and final standings from IBSA European Foo...

Click here to view or download the full results and final standings from the 9th IBSA European Football Championships B1 2013 in Italy.

Goalball Europeans A – Pools and Game Schedule
Goalball Europeans A – Pools and Game Schedule

The buildup continues for the 2013 IBSA Goalball European Championships Men & Women A.   Many people are looking forward to this tournament as it is a chance to...

Lithuanian Goalball tournament plus training camps
Lithuanian Goalball tournament plus training camps

The Lithuanian Blind Sports Federation would like to invite all national mens’ teams to compete at their annual International Men Tournament in 2014.   As prev...

Spain wins back European blind football title
Spain wins back European blind football title

The Spanish national blind football team beat defending champions France by a single goal in the final of the 9th IBSA European Blind Football Championships in the B1 (to...