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Goalball: Here comes the time of no mistakes in Santiago 2023
Goalball: Here comes the time of no mistakes in Santiag...

The stage group of the Goalball tournament in the Para PanAmerican Games – Santiago 2023 is finished. With the quarterfinals comes the time of no mistakes because there i...

Judo: The goosebumps of Sheyla Hernández in Santiago 2023
Judo: The goosebumps of Sheyla Hernández in Santiago 20...

The gold medal of Sheyla Hernández on Day 2 of the Judo competition in the Para PanAmerican Games – Santiago 2023 was a triumph of persistence. The Havana girl was the fi...

Blind Football: Nonato’s goal made the day in Santiago 2023
Blind Football: Nonato’s goal made the day in San...

Day 3 of the Blind Football tournament in the Para PanAmerican Games – Santiago 2023 started the best way possible. Nonato’s single goal in Brazil’s victory o...

Judo: Cuban diamonds among the Brazilian gold in Santiago 2023
Judo: Cuban diamonds among the Brazilian gold in Santia...

The Cuban judokas Sheyla Hernández (+70kg) and Yordani Fernández (+90kg) were the only ones to break the Brazilian hegemony in the Judo competition of the Para PanAmerica...

Goalball: The quarterfinals are getting shape in Santiago 2023
Goalball: The quarterfinals are getting shape in Santia...

The stage group of the Goalball tournament in the Para PanAmerican Games – Santiago 2023 is coming to its closure and, by so, defining the road to the finals. The menR...

The return of the ‘Orange Boy of Judo’ in Santiago 2023
The return of the ‘Orange Boy of Judo’ in S...

The Brazilian judoka Thiego Marques da Silva is the new American champion of J1/J2 -60 kg, a title conquered in the Para Pan American Games – Santiago 2023. This victory...

Blind Football: The usual suspects strike again in Santiago 2023
Blind Football: The usual suspects strike again in Sant...

The three strongest teams of the Blind Football tournament in the Para Pan American Games – Santiago 2023 confirmed their status in the first two stages. This Sunday, Arg...

Judo: All gone with Brazil on Day 1 in Santiago 2023
Judo: All gone with Brazil on Day 1 in Santiago 2023

The Judo national team of Brazil took all the gold medals on the first day of competition in the Para Pan American Games – Santiago 2023, for the lightweight categories....

Goalball: Chile men’s team is moving forward in Santiago 2023
Goalball: Chile men’s team is moving forward in S...

The men’s Goalball national team of Chile is, by right and competence, part of the restricted group of unbeatable squads in the Para Pan American Games – Santiago 2...

Goalball: The women’s USA team feeding the dream in Santiago 2023
Goalball: The women’s USA team feeding the dream...

The first day of the Goalball competition in the Para Pan American Games – Santiago 2023 started with six matches, one of which was a true titan clash regarding the conti...

Blind Football: Brazil and Argentina debut winning in Santiago 2023
Blind Football: Brazil and Argentina debut winning in S...

The Blind Football competition in the Para Pan American Games – Santiago 2023 started with victories for the two South American giants. Argentina got a sweaty win against...

Goalball: Iran and China are the new Asia/Pacific champions
Goalball: Iran and China are the new Asia/Pacific champ...

The men’s Goalball national team of Iran and the women’s Goalball national team of China are the new Asia/Pacific champions! Both squads also secured their sl...