New era for IBSA Legal and Ethics Committee
Date: May 6, 2024
Category: IBSA news
The International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) has announced the names of three highly experienced individuals who will form the core of its Legal and Ethics Committee.
Former IBSA President Jannie Hammershoi will serve as Chair, with the support of IBSA’s legal counsel, Dr. Stephan Osnabrugge, and Gael Riviere, a former French blind footballer and lawyer.
Special attention was paid by the new IBSA Board to the Legal and Ethics Committee after IBSA’s Extraordinary General in Fatima, Portugal, in 2023 where a new Executive was elected. After this, Tim Reddish was appointed as Chair but subsequently had to stand down due to work commitments.
Hammershoi replaces Reddish after serving as IBSA’s first female President between 2013 and 2021.
Along with Osnabrugge and Riviere, the Committee will be expanded over time in consultation with the IBSA Membership.
The IBSA Board envisages that two-three additional Committee members will be added in line with the requirements of the work it carries out. In addition, experts without voting rights will be invited to assist the group with their deliberations in addressing issues in various areas of IBSA’s activities.
IBSA President, Ilgar Rahimov, said: “On behalf of the IBSA Executive Board, I would like to thank Tim for his service but am also delighted to welcome Jannie, Stephan and Gael to the IBSA Legal and Ethics Committee.
“Forming an experienced and reliable group was a top priority at the start of my Presidency last year and all these individuals certainly have the right skills and experience to take this area forward over the coming months.”
The IBSA Legal and Ethics Committee can be contacted by email at