New anti-doping resources for athletes and support personnel published
Date: January 26, 2021
Category: General
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has released three new education resources for athletes and athlete support personnel (ASP) available on its new and improved Anti-Doping Education and Learning platform (ADEL), which was launched on 6 January 2021.
The Athlete Guide to the 2021 Code and the ASP Guide to the 2021 Code provide information on the significant changes within the new World Anti-Doping Code (Code) that entered into effect on 1 January 2021. The Guides also contain information regarding roles and responsibilities and the types of Anti-Doping Rule Violations under the Code. Both Guides are currently available in English, French, Spanish, Japanese and Slovenian, with more languages to be released in the coming months.
The Athletes and ASP Guide to the 2021 Prohibited List, explains the main changes to the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (List) that entered into effect on 1 January 2021. It also provides an early notification of the change in status of Glucocorticoids that will come into effect on 1 January 2022, as approved by WADA’s Executive Committee in September 2020. This Guide is currently available in English, with French and Spanish to be published shortly and other languages to be released in the coming months.
Each of the above resources is available on WADA’s ADEL Platform and can be viewed digitally or downloaded as a PDF.
About WADA’s new ADEL Platform
WADA’s new ADEL platform provides education and learning opportunities for the anti-doping community worldwide – including athletes, coaches, parents, medical professionals and more. Anti-doping practitioners can also find learning opportunities to help them carry out their roles, and resources to support development of their anti-doping programs as part of the Code Implementation Support Program (CISP).
National Federations and IBSA Members should share details of ADEL with their athletes to help support awareness-raising and education around anti-doping.
WADA also invites stakeholders to consult the ADEL Roadmap, which is updated on a monthly basis, to keep track of new courses and resources, along with information on their available languages, formats and timelines for release. Lastly, WADA have highlighted that some previously published resources, such as the ‘At a Glance Series’, are currently being updated in line with the 2021 Code and will be available on ADEL once finalised. They are prioritizing digital versions at this time which can be viewed on the ADEL Platform or via the ADEL by WADA Mobile App.
For any questions regarding the ADEL Platform or any of the above-mentioned Guides – including how to make a request to translate our education resources – please visit the ADEL Helpdesk.