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ISAS reminder to member organisations

Date: February 5, 2015



The IBSA Sports Administration System has now been operational for just over one month.

Many IBSA member countries have already started accessing the new system and uploading data on their athletes, but a number of countries have not yet done so.

IBSA members are reminded that they must register their athletes on the system in order for them to be eligible to compete at IBSA-sanctioned competitions.

For information on how to access the system contact

IBSA member organisations are asked to note the following:

1. Every IBSA athlete in every IBSA sport must be registered on the database (Athletics and Swimming will remain under the IPC SDMS database).

2. Classification documents will be managed from the database and will generate a master classification list available to our Medical Director.

3. Every athlete must complete an eligibility form.

4. For each athlete the database will hold a photograph, passport/identity card, eligibility form, a biography and a unique IBSA/ISAS license and Identity card which can be shown at each competition in which he or she participates. 

5. IBSA Administration will be contacting member countries over the next 12 months to help complete these biographies for those athletes who qualify for the IPC Paralympic Games in Rio 2016. 
Once the database is fully functional:

1.  In the future online registration for all major IBSA competitions will be done through this database.

2. Information about all athletes will be available to our sports committees regarding statistics, rankings, etc.

3. Ideally this data will be able to be transferred to competitions.

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