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IBSA Goalball seeks hosts for future IBSA Championships

Date: July 3, 2012

Category: Goalball

The International Blind Sports Federation Goalball Committee invites bids and full application documentation from sport associations interested in hosting the 2013 Asia-Pacific Championships, the 2013 Qualifying IBSA American Regional Championships of Goalball or the 2013 IBSA African Regional Championships of Goalball for both men and women.

The two top teams in regional championships can participate in World Championships in 2014. Eligible nations for this tournament are all IBSA member countries in the respective Continent.

The events can be hosted separately.

Interested associations should submit a letter of intent to bid, as soon as possible, to the Goalball Committee at and a copy to

Complete bid details must then be submitted by 30th September 2012. The successful applicant will be notified no later than 30th November 2012.

Please ensure your completed bid information includes the following:

• The proposed dates of the Regional Championships, which should fall between 1st April and 31st November 2013;
• The proposed dates of participant arrival and departure;
• The closest major airport and transportation arrangements to the venue from the airport;
• The proposed location, including facility/venue details relevant to the IBSA competition rules for Goalball;
• Background on the local officials and referees qualified to assist with the running Regional Championships;
• Letter of support from your National Sport Association;
• Detailed proposed budget for the event;
• Proposed organizing committee structure;
• Funding Plan.

If you have any questions or need clarification on the bid process, please feel free to contact AND

We look forward to your response.

IBSA Goalball Committee.
Robert ‘t Hart.


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