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IBSA Goalball Is Looking for Feedback for New Rule Proposals

Date: August 3, 2016

Category: Goalball

Since the middle of 2015 IBSA Goalball sought and has been receiving new rule proposals for the 2018 – 2021 version of the IBSA Goalball Rules and Regulations.

At the recent face to face meeting of the full Sub-Committee in Beijing, a final list of proposed changes was reduced to a set of suggestions that the Sub-Committee thought could be best introduced without changing the current game dramatically.  These proposals will now be introduced via this website so that the general Goalball community can provide their feedback.

IBSA Goalball will be meeting regularly to discuss the feedback in an effort to clean and straighten out the proposals before the testing period commences in January of 2017 for the on court rules of the game (Part A).  Regulations from Part B will continue to receive feedback until later in 2017.

A summary of the new proposals can be viewed from the attachment with this article.  The summary contains the rule number and the proposed new text.  We suggest you view this document together with a copy of the current Rules and Regulations to compare the proposed text with the old rule.

Feedback should be sent directly to the Regulations Co-Ordinator at [email protected].  We will analyse the feedback each month before sending out a revised version of the proposals at the start of each month.

The IBSA Goalball Sub-Committee would like this process to be as transparent as possible and we also realise that it is the players and coaches who have the greatest influence on how the game is played.  Your feedback is especially important to us.

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