Benefits of and getting into blind sports
Benefits of and getting into blind sports
IBSA believes in the power of sport to change lives.
Millions of people with visual impairments around the world benefit from the chance to take part in regular activities, and some of them go on to compete at the highest levels.
Whether you are an aspiring athlete or someone looking for more information about how you support sport for people with visual impairments, check out these resources.

Encouraging physical activity for pre-schoolers with visual impairments
A resource for parents, written by the British Columbia Blind Sports and Recreation Association.
This comprehensive guide provides information about why exercise for young children with visual impairments is important, how to compensate for visual disabilities, movement skills and physical literacy.

Being a sighted guide
Did you know that there are different types of guide for people with visual impairments, and that you could be a guide runner or guide an athlete in another sport?
This booklet by the British Columbia Blind Sports and Recreation Association provides a neat overview of all aspects of being a sighted guide. From understanding visual impairments and what a sport guide does, to how to communicate and navigate, this guide has you covered.