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Final call for IBSA Goalball referees

Date: May 13, 2013

Category: Goalball

This is the final call for IBSA Goalball referees willing to participate in one of the 2013 regional championships.
We are now starting the process for level II or level III referees willing to referee at the Asia/Pacific Championships to be held in Beijing, China, from November 11 to November 16. All levels of referees are also encouraged to apply if they are willing to go as an ITO because the organizing committee may require extra ITOs for this event.
If you are interested in applying and believe that you will be available between these dates, please contact our referees co-ordinator, Aurora Zanolin via e-mail on
Applicants should send their e-mail no later than 30 May. Those who have been chosen will be notified no later than 20 June. Following this a list of the successful applicants will also be published on this website.

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