Call for Hosts: IBSA Goalball Events Until 2030
Date: February 18, 2025
Category: Uncategorized
The IBSA Goalball Sport Committee is seeking hosts for events up to the year 2030. To make the application process more comparable and to provide interested hosts with a comprehensive guide, the Committee has developed both a Requirements Catalogue for Hosting IBSA for Sanctioned Tournaments and a Financial Plan Template for event applications.
Different application deadlines apply depending on the event year. If no applications are received for a specific event, IBSA Goalball reserves the right to extend the deadline.
Application Process
All applications must be submitted via email to (in the subject line note, Application_<Tournament year and Name>) and include the following documents
- IBSA Competition – Application and Contract for Sanction Approval:
- Requirements Catalogue for Hosting IBSA Sanctioned Tournaments:
- Financial Plan Template:
All documents are available for download on the IBSA website or can be requested via email. The IBSA Goalball Sport Committee will publish after the application deadlines the list of potential hosts with further information on following steps.
Usually, a host is responsible to welcome men´s and women´s teams to all official IBSA tournemants. Applicants are free to apply specifically for only one of the two genders as a host.
Application Deadlines and Events
May 15, 2025:
- 2026 IBSA Goalball World Youth Championships
- 2026 IBSA Goalball European Championships (Group B)
June 30, 2025:
- 2027 IBSA Goalball Africa Championships
- 2027 IBSA Goalball Asia/Pacific Championships
- 2027 IBSA Goalball European Championships
- 2027 IBSA Goalball European Championships (Group C)
September 30, 2025:
- 2028 IBSA Goalball World Youth Championships
- 2028 IBSA Goalbal European Championships (Group B)
December 31, 2025:
- 2029 IBSA Goalball Africa Championships
- 2029 IBSA Goalball Americas Championships
- 2029 IBSA Goalball Asia/Pacific Championships
- 2029 IBSA Goalball European Championships
- 2029 IBSA Goalball European Championships (Group C)
- 2030 IBSA Goalball World Championships
- 2030 IBSA Goalball World Youth Championships
- 2030 IBSA Goalball European Championships (Group B)
For further information, please visit or contact