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IBSA Board meeting delivered new commissions

Date: August 21, 2023

Category: General

The nine members of IBSA’s Executive Board gathered this Monday, in Birmingham, to discuss topics of interest for the organisation.

After the welcome message of the president, Ilgar Rahimov, the CEO of the British Blind Sports as organiser of the 2023 IBSA World Games, Alaina MacGregor, presented a short report on the progress of the running event, leaving after it with a special thank you for the work in progress.

Some of the points discussed were the Management Committee Activity Reports, proposed Executive Board Roles and Responsibilities, the Report of the latest Extraordinary General Assembly, the proposed appointment of the Chairman of the Legal and Ethics Committee, and the proposed appointment of Tony Sainsbury as the Interim Executive Director.

In the matter of the IBSA Executive Board Roles and Responsibilities, new commissions were delivered to the different Board members, designating the respective leaders, which are as follows:

IBSA Strategic Review
Presidente Ilgar Rahimov
IBSA Headquarters and CEO Recruitment
President Ilgar Rahimov
Financial Audit and Budget
Treasurer Eigo Matsuzaki
IBSA Classification
Vice-president Joe Walsh
Sports Structure
Member-at-Large Zdenek Barlok
Secretary-general Sally Wood-Lamont
Athletes’ Inclusion and Youth Development
Member-at-Large Mads Baulund
Secretary-general Sally Wood-Lamont
IBSA World Games
Presidente Ilgar Rahimov

#Accessibility – The nine Executive Board members are in front of a backdrop with 2023 IBSA World Games in Birmingham, by this order from left to right: Eigo Matsuzaki (Treasurer), Mads Baulund (Member-at-Large), Sally Wood-Lamont (Secretary-general), Tinatin Revazaashvilli (Member-at-Large), Ilgar Rahimov (President), Zdenek Barlok (Member-at-Large), Joe Walsh (Vice-president), Ioanna Karyofylli (Member-at-Large), Bernardino Seixas (Member-at-Large).

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