2013 IBSA World Youth Championships and Pan Am Games – important announcement from USABA
Date: January 9, 2013
Category: Athletics
8 January 2013
Dear IBSA Member Federation;
In October of 2012, I sent a letter out to all IBSA nations stating that the athlete entries for the sports of Athletics, Swimming and Powerlifting were not sufficient to conduct a quality competition. With the hope of receiving more athlete entries in these sports, we extended the deadline for the first entry to 15 December.
Due to the lack of number of athlete entries, it is with regret that will we must cancel Athletics, Swimming and Powerlifting for the 2013 IBSA World Youth Championships/Pam Am Games competition. This was a very difficult decision because we know the importance of providing youth athletes an international venue to compete at an entry level.
Goalball and Judo remain on the program for both the World Youth Championships and the Pan Am Games and we remain committed to conducting a quality event.
We will be sending the 2nd Entry Form to all IBSA nations by 30 January.
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your friend in sport,
Mark A. Lucas,
Chairperson, 2013 IBSA World Youth Championships and Pan Am Games,
1 Olympic Plaza Colorado Springs,
CO 80909