Super European Goalball League to include women’s teams
Date: January 25, 2019
Category: Goalball
The European Goalball Club Association (EGCA) is calling for women’s club teams to compete at the Super European Goalball League (SEGL) for the first time.
The EGCA want to debut the competition from 22-24 March in Lisbon, Portugal, during the men’s 2018-19 SEGL Final Stage. It will be called the Super European Women’s Goalball League.
Entries can be made until 8 February.
Márcia Ferreira, Executive Director of EGCA, said: “The Super European Women's Goalball League is indeed something great for the sport and may be the key to more women playing goalball, new clubs being born and this sport growing in the female gender.
“We have to be aware that when we launch something new there is always the risk of success, but EGCA is prepared to deal with it. It has been gratifying work that has developed in just six months and when people say that we are working well, we launch another project, another idea.”
Until now SEGL had only featured men’s teams, but has decided to add women to ensure equality for all. Ferreira believes that it is important for the EGCA to continue to push for more:
“We do not sit idly by and we do not settle for what exists. I know this is only the first step, we have a long and hard road ahead, but we want this path to be done with the women of goalball as well, so it will be easier.
“For the fantastic players playing in Europe by their national teams, it is time to represent their clubs, or not, as it happens in men, to represent clubs from other countries or even other continents.
“What I can guarantee is that we are preparing a fantastic event that will make Europe proud of goalball.
“And whoever thinks that women will have a different treatment in relation to male SEGL, is mistaken, equality is done with actions and not with words and that is what we are doing.
EGCA has already done its part, it is time for female players to take their place in this sport.”
More information about the Super European Women’s Goalball League is available from Ferreira on email at [email protected]. Entries can also be made to that address.