Tenpin Bowling Classification
Like all IBSA sports, athletes who want to compete in tenpin bowling need to be classified by experts to ensure they have an eligible impairment.
Athletes will be classified as either B1, B2 or B3. Athletes in B1 and B2 have the most severe visual impairments.
In IBSA Tenpin Bowling, competition is held and medals are awarded within each classification for men, women, doubles, trios and game of four. In the doubles B2 and B3 players can join together to form a pair. In trios and game of four, all three classifications can make-up a team
B1 and B2 players must have an assistant to pass the bowling balls and provide verbal advice. B3 players can also have an assistant, but players must take the balls by themselves. B1 players must also wear eyeshades.
You can find out more about how classification works, and what to expect if you are an athlete, here.
Tenpin Bowling Classification
You can view the list of tenpin bowling athletes who have been classified below.