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Sight classification opportunity for Tokyo goalball and football athletes

Date: January 20, 2020

Category: Football

IBSA and the Czech Blind Sports Association are happy to announce a partnership to offer goalball and football athletes who are selected to represent their countries at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games one final opportunity to undergo official sight classification by IBSA classifiers.

Two panels of IBSA-accredited classifiers will be on hand in the Czech capital, Prague, on Sunday 21st and Monday 22nd June, to carry out the classification. Priority will be given to athletes and substitutes who will take part in the Tokyo Paralympic Games; however, there is a good chance that slots will be available for other goalball and football athletes who need classification.

The Czech Blind Sports Federation is pleased to be able to assist athletes and staff with hotels, meals and transport in order to take advantage of this classification opportunity.

The cost of this classification opportunity is as follows:

Single room price per day per person:

95 EUR for night and breakfast at a 4-star official hotel close to medical clinics
110 EUR for half board
125 EUR for full board
Twin room price per day per person:

60 EUR for night and breakfast at 4-star official hotel close to medical clinics
75 EUR for half board and
90 EUR for full board
An additional transport fee will be charged of 10 EUR per person and will include the cost of the following:

– return airport-hotel
– return hotel-medical clinics

Payment must be made in advance – by the 15th April – and the Czech Blind Sports Federation will offer an invoice for hotel accommodation if required.

The deadline to sign up to be classified is Wednesday 15th April. To register, please contact [email protected].

No late registration will be possible. Only athletes who have their MDF and any required additional medical documents uploaded in the ISAS database by the Wednesday 15th April will be accepted for classification. 

For more information on this opportunity please contact [email protected] or [email protected].


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