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September 2018 IBSA Goalball World Rankings Released

Date: October 14, 2018

Category: Goalball

IBSA Goalball has published the latest world rankings following competitions in September.

Teams played at a Spanish Blind Sports Federation competition in Madrid, Spain, the Asia & Oceania Invitational Tournament in Bangkok, Thailand, as well as the IBSA Goalball European Championships B in Chorzow, Poland.

In the men's Lithuania and Germany move to first and second respectively, leap-frogging world champions Brazil who now sit third.

Belgium have moved two places from sixth to fourth. Finland round off the men's top 10, entering the group for the first time in six months. 

In the women's Turkey retain their first place. China move up two places to second.

Greece also enter the top 10 from 11th place in August.

This new world rankings can be found attached to this article.

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