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President’s Blog: Announcement of the IBSA Strategic Review Process

Date: September 26, 2024

Category: President's Blog

I am writing to inform you of an important initiative that will shape the future of the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA). We are embarking on a Strategic Review of our organization, designed to ensure that IBSA remains a leader in supporting blind and visually impaired athletes worldwide.

This comprehensive review will evaluate and make recommendations across several key areas critical to IBSA’s long-term success, including:

  • Our Purpose, Objectives, and Activities: We will examine how well our current mission, goals, and programs align with the evolving needs of our community and whether we are effectively supporting blind and visually impaired athletes across all sports disciplines. This includes assessing the relevance and impact of our current activities and exploring new opportunities to better serve our members.
  • Governance and Management Structures: We will review IBSA’s governance framework to ensure it is robust, transparent, and adaptable to the future. This includes evaluating our management and decision-making processes, and determining if our structures are optimal for delivering on our mission and engaging with our members and stakeholders effectively.
  • Membership Composition and Engagement: Our membership is the lifeblood of IBSA, and this review will assess how well we are engaging with our national member organizations and athletes. We will explore ways to improve member involvement, ensure inclusive representation, and strengthen the relationship between IBSA and its members globally.
  • Funding Sources and Strategies: The financial health of IBSA is paramount to our sustainability. The review will examine our current funding model, including sponsorships, grants, and member contributions, and identify strategies to diversify and grow our revenue streams. We will focus on ensuring financial stability to support long-term projects and expand opportunities for athletes.
  • Brand Positioning and External Perception: IBSA’s visibility and reputation within the blind and visually impaired community and the broader sports world play a key role in our success. As a global leader in blind sports, IBSA must assess its role in advocating for, supporting, and advancing the interests of blind and visually impaired athletes. The review will look at how IBSA is perceived by external stakeholders and explore how we can strengthen our brand to better deliver our role.
  • Legal Framework and Compliance: Ensuring that IBSA operates within a sound legal framework is essential. The review will include a thorough examination of our governance documents (e.g., constitution, bylaws) to ensure they are aligned with the legal standards and requirements. It also will ensure that all the process and outcomes of this review are in compliance with German law, where IBSA is incorporated.

To guide this review, we have established a Review Steering Committee that will work closely with the IBSA Executive Board. The committee will oversee the entire process, ensuring that it aligns with IBSA’s strategic goals and reflects the perspectives of our membership.

The Review Steering Committee is form by Joe Walsh, Mads Baulund, Rufat Hajili, Tony Sainsbury and myself.

Membership Participation

Your participation will be critical to the success of this review. In the coming weeks, you will receive a survey designed to gather your feedback and insights on IBSA’s current operations and future direction. Additionally, we will be conducting interviews with key stakeholders to ensure we gather a comprehensive range of perspectives. We encourage all members to participate and share their valuable insights, as your voices are integral to shaping the future of IBSA.

What’s Next?

We are committed to keeping you informed throughout the review process. You can expect regular updates, and we will be seeking your input on the initial findings and recommendations once the analysis phase is complete. This process will take place over the next 12 months, and together we can ensure that IBSA continues to grow and meet the needs of blind athletes across the globe.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to IBSA. I look forward to working with you all as we embark on this important journey to shape the future of our organization.


Ilgar Rahimov
IBSA President

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