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Positive showdown referees course in Korea

Date: December 18, 2018

Category: Showdown

The IBSA Showdown Committee is happy to report that the recent referees education course in South Korea was a great success.

Twelve local officials attended the course in Seoul from December 4th to 8th and were instructed in the rules and regulations of the game.

The referees were also given the opportunity to put into practise their knowledge during practise games.

Caption: the participants pose for a group photo.

Massimo Sanapo, chairman of the IBSA Showdown Committee, was delighted with the results: ""I'm very happy to welcome the 12 new referees who passed the course for Showdown National Referee held in Seoul. Now our community has 12 referees in South Korea, and their work will be very precious in Asia." 

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Caption: image of a practical session during the course.

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