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Goalball referees clinic plus African Championships
Goalball referees clinic plus African Championships

An IBSA Goalball referee’s clinic has now been scheduled for just prior to the 2013 IBSA Goalball African Championships.   This clinic is for candidates wishin...

Goalball Invitation: Asian Youth Para Games
Goalball Invitation: Asian Youth Para Games

Later this year the Asian Youth Para Games will be taking place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There will be 14 different sports making up the event and Goalball will be one...

Announcement for IBSA Goalball Europeans C
Announcement for IBSA Goalball Europeans C

IBSA Goalball is happy to finally announce the referees who have been selected to participate at the 2013 IBSA Goalball European Championships Men C. The Championships wi...

France and Spain reach European Football Championships finals in Loano
France and Spain reach European Football Championships...

Defending champions France and six-times European champions Spain will once again lock horns in the final of a major IBSA tournament. Spain defeated Germany 2-0...

Ninepin bowling European Championships results in
Ninepin bowling European Championships results in

Full results are now available from the 14th IBSA European Championships in Ninepin Bowling, which concluded recently in Apatin, Serbia. Almost one hundred bowlers (66 me...

Update from 9th IBSA European Football Championships at end of group stage
Update from 9th IBSA European Football Championships at...

France, Spain, Germany and Turkey have all qualified for the semi-finals at the European Championships following the conclusion of the group stage yesterday.   Franc...

9th IBSA European Football Championships set to kick off in Loano
9th IBSA European Football Championships set to kick of...

From 12th to 23rd of June in Loano, Italy, eight teams from all over Europe will play for the honour of being crowned IBSA European Champions in the B1 – totally bl...

New IBSA E-mail addresses
New IBSA E-mail addresses

Due to serious technical difficulties with our web site, the official IBSA web page has now moved to This means we have also introduced new E-mail addr...

Showdown update – Dutch Open in December
Showdown update – Dutch Open in December

Organisers have released further information on the Dutch Open Showdown Championships 2013 in December. Click on the link above or here for full information on the schedu...

IBSA Goalball comes together
IBSA Goalball comes together

Over the weekend of 1-2 June, the IBSA Goalball Sub-committee came together for our annual face to face meeting. This was very exciting for many of us because all members...

Who will be refereeing goalball in Africa?
Who will be refereeing goalball in Africa?

The selection of referees can now be known for those who have been chosen to referee at the 2013 IBSA Goalball African Championships.   We would like to congratulate...

New dates for Thai blind football tournament
New dates for Thai blind football tournament

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Sports Association for the Blind in Thailand has modified the dates for its Thailand Open Football (B1) Tournament 2013. The tou...