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New Procedure for IBSA Goalball Referees Effective 1 January 2017

Date: November 21, 2016

Category: Goalball

Effective 1 January 2017 any calls for referees to support upcoming competitions will be posted to the IBSA website.  We will no longer be sending requests directly to referees via email.

Over the past several months, we've received emails from referees saying they were not informed of opportunities to volunteer to support goalball competitions.  Upon further investigation, we found that in many cases, referees had changed email addresses but did not inform the IBSA Referee Program Coordinator of the changes. 

While it is ultimately the referee's responsibility to inform IBSA when their email address changes, we believe that by posting calls for referee support to the IBSA website on a regular basis will provide referees a central place to visit find information about upcoming competitions. 

If you have any additional changes regarding this change, please contact the IBSA Referee Program Coordinator. 

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