Judo: Alexandria Grand Prix extends the application period
Date: February 14, 2023
Category: Judo
Following the tragic events in Turkiye that led to the cancellation of the 2023 IBSA Judo Grand Prix Antalya, the IBSA Judo Sports Committee and the Local Organizer Committee of the 2023 IBSA Judo Grand Prix Egypt decided to extend the application period for the tournament in Alexandria, which will be held between March 9 and 18.
In a general call to all member countries, the IBSA Judo Sports Committee informs them that they can still apply for the 2023 IBSA Judo Grand Prix Alexandria instead of the Turkish competition. The only limiting factor is that the competitors must have a valid eye certificate because the regular examination capacity can no longer be expanded.
Late and urgent applications can be sent to and to the LOC address,