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Inputs for the 2025-2028 revision of the IBSA Goalball Rules and Regulations

Date: August 25, 2023

Category: Goalball

The IBSA Goalball Sport Committee is seeking inputs for the 2025-2028 revision of IBSA Goalball Rules and Regulations. Inputs may be sent to [email protected] through 31 October 2023.
We request inputs include the number of the existing rule or regulation being modified or let us know if it would be an entirely new rule or regulation.
Additionally, any explanation or justification for the change proposal would be welcomed.
Below is a brief timeline for the revision process:
1.      Now – October 2023: Solicitation of rule changes from national federations
2.      December 2023: Announcement of proposed rule changes to be tested.
3.      January – April 2024: Testing of any proposed rule changes at selected tournaments
4.      April – May 2024: Final results of testing to goalball community; selection of final rules and regulation changes for the rulebook
5.      May – June 2024: Final preparation/editing of 2025-2028 Rules and Regulations.
6.      July 1, 2024: Final Proposed 2025-2028 Rules and Regulations submitted to IBSA Executive Board for approval.
7.      September – October 2024: update all documentation (to include Coach Essentials, referee and ITO documentation).
8.      October – December 2024: Begin referees’ and officials’ certification/recertification clinics.
9.      January 1, 2025: New Rules and Regulations for the period 1 January 2025-31 December 2028 take effect.

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