In memoriam Kari Marklund
Date: October 12, 2018
Category: Goalball
IBSA received the message that former IBSA Goalball chair, Dr. Kari Marklund, passed away this Wednesday morning, 10 October 2018, aged 80 years old.
Kari Marklund joined IBSA in 2011, after some turbulent times in Goalball. IBSA had an urgent need for a new Chairman for IBSA Goalball – someone who would command the respect of the Goalball community, but also a person possessing the experience necessary to lead Goalball back onto the "right track".
In the years to follow, Kari succeeded in transforming the culture that had existed in IBSA Goalball and in building the fundamentals of a well-managed, democratic, effective and vibrant organisation, with firm foundations built on fairness, equity and accountability, the principles that were so close to Kari.
In his farewell letter as the chair of Goalball in 2014 Kari quoted the American deaf and blind writer, Helen Keller: "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much". Those words well describes Kari's way of life and these will echo in Goalball and in the blind sports community.
IBSA President Jannie Hammershoi had the opportunity to meet with Kari last summer during the World Championships in Malmø, Sweden: "He then told me that he did not have much time left, so we said our goodbyes then. I will always remember and miss Kari."
Our hearts go out to his wife, Birgitta and his family and friends and we wish them strength in this period of grief.