IBSA Judo update
Date: July 15, 2015
Category: Judo
IBSA Judo has released new documents which are now available on this web site.
Referee ranking list
The IBSA Judo referee ranking list has been updated to include recent competitions. The list can be viewed here.
Open letter to coaches
The IBSA Judo Committee has agreed to set up a small sub-commission for VI judo coaches. The group should be composed of between 3 and 5 coaches and women coaches are encouraged to join.
Click on the link above to read the call for nominations from the committee. Countries are free to nominate their own coaches or a coach from another country.
Nominations should be sent to IBSA Judo Chairman Mr. Norbert Bíró at, with copy to Sports Director Mr. János Tardos at The deadline for nominations is July 31st.
Sight classification consultation
Given the need to introduce a new sight classification system in judo for th eblind and partially sighted, the IBSA Judo Committee has set up a working group to develop an outline for a new system. The panel is chaired by IBSA Judo Chairman Mr. Norbert Bíró and includes coaches and former athletes.
The working group has opened a consultation period and is calling on all stakeholders (athletes, coaches, classifiers, etc.) to submit their ideas, suggestions and proposals for the new system. For more information click on the link above.
Submissions should be sent to by July 31st.