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IBSA Judo seeks hosts for future events

Date: June 2, 2016

Category: Judo

The IBSA Judo Committee has initiated the process of selecting host countries for its events covering the period 2017-2020, and invites all IBSA member countries to send its bids for consideration.

The committee has sent the following communiqué to all countries (see link above for more details):


To all IBSA members


IBSA Judo has started setting up the next four year period calendar for the year 2017 till the Paralympic Games in Tokyo. During the assembly of the program it has been taken into the consideration the need of the coaches and other representatives of the countries. 

IBSA Judo wants to measure the potential of countries, which are able and want to arrange high level competition in this period. IBSA Judo prepares a long list from the candidates and call a tender among them together with IBSA Secretariat. 

You can bid for IBSA Judo Senior:

•    CONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIPS 2017 (Asia [including Oceania], Europe and Pan-America)


The main bid criteria are : 

•    Close collaboration between the able bodied and blind (handicapped) associations;

•    Strong support from the government or the local authority;
•    The proper sport hall, which covers all need and not too far from the accommodation;

•    Accommodation (it would be good only one place), which provides all facilities (places for meetings, weigh-in rooms, etc.);

•    The host association must follow the regulation of the IJF EOG (Event Organization Guides). 

We ask all potential candidates to send your official letter back to and latest June 21, 2016. 

IBSA Judo 
May 28, 2016

Norbert Bíró    János Tardos 
Chairman        Sports Director


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