IBSA Goalball Seeks Referees for 2018 World Championships
Date: March 11, 2018
Category: Goalball
This is a call for all level III goalball referees to express their interest and availability to referee at the IBSA Goalball World Championships to be held in Malmo, Sweden 3-9 June 2018.
IMPORTANT NOTICE OF ELIGIBILITY! You are eligible to apply if you are:
already recertified to level III, or
you are participating in a level III clinic before 19 April 2018 (if you can't reach level III by that time your application will be automatically ignored).
If you are interested, the IBSA Goalball Subcommittee requests you share your interest with us not later than 31 March 2018.
Selected referees will be notified via email not later than 20 April 2018.
PLEASE NOTE–YOUR APPLICATION IS BINDING. Due to the short timeframe, selected referees WILL NOT be asked to confirm their selection.
Please submit your interest to [email protected].