IBSA Goalball holds latest workshops in Africa
Date: December 7, 2018
Category: Goalball
The fourth in a series of International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) Goalball workshops in Africa took place between 29 November – 2 December in Stellenbosch, South Africa.
The project is designed to introduce the sport to new countries as well as improve the quality of competitions in countries already playing goalball.
A total of 57 athletes, coaches and officials from all over South Africa and further afield attended the sessions at Stellenbosch University Sports Centre.
They took part in theoretical and practical training that focused on the rules, essentials of team preparation and coaching, officiating techniques and procedures as well as the administration of sport documentation.
New balls, eyeshades, patches, court tapes and strings, whistles for referees and game paperwork were also handed out to allow participants to develop the game in their own countries and regions.
After the workshops a mixed tournament with six teams was held so that everyone could apply their new skills. Hosts Maties from Stellenbosch claimed first place in an entertaining competition.
The activities, supported by the International Paralympic Committee, in South Africa follow on from sessions in Algeria, Ivory Coast and Uganda between 2016-2017.