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IBSA Football releases new docs

Date: March 12, 2014

Category: Football

The IBSA Football Subcommittee has published a number of updated and new documents:

IBSA Football Rulebook 2014-2017 – following a four-month consultation process involving all stakeholders in football for the blind and partially sighted, the new rules have been adopted and are now published.

IBSA Football rule changes proposals – includes a number of suggestions for possible future changes in the rules which will be open for discussion and testing in the coming months, with a view to the rules for the period 2017-2020. Stakeholders are invited to consider these proposals and provide their comments to by the end of September 2014. A stakeholders meeting will be held at the IBSA Blind Football World Championships 2014 in Japan in November to consider the proposals and feedback.

IBSA Football Rio 2016 qualification criteria and timeline – provides detailed information on the qualification process and timelines for the Football 5-a-side competition at the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, as agreed with the International Paralympic Committee.

IBSA Football new ball endorsement process – guidelines on the procedures to be followed to have any new football for the blind endorsed by IBSA for use in official championships. To date the IBSA Football Subcommittee has approved three types of ball.

IBSA Football referees list – looking for a referee for a blind football tournament? This list of accredited officials is updated as of this month.

IBSA Football B2-B3 referee's report template

IBSA Football B1 referee's report template

Referees guide chapter 1 – a quick guide for anyone refereeing B1 games. This file covers the period before the game starts and further chapters will be added as they become available.

For more information on blind football contact Ulrich Pfisterer, chair of the IBSA Football Subcommittee, at


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