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IBSA Football launches consultation on rule changes

Date: September 11, 2015

Category: Football

At a recent meeting in Hereford, England, on the occasion of the IBSA Blind Football European Championships, the IBSA Football Committee approved a consultation process for proposed rule changes covering the period 2017-2021.

The Committee's Referees Advisory Group (RAG) has drawn up a proposed rulebook for the period 2017-2012 which includes a range of rule changes to the current laws of the game. Click on the links above or here to view or download the proposed rulebook.

The proposed rules are made public now for the consideration of the blind football family. All stakeholders, and in particular players, are welcome to suggest modifications to the current rules over the coming months, provide feedback on the proposed changes and play an active role in the consultation process.

An email address has been set up to facilitate the process. All comments, suggestions, queries and proposals should be sent in writing to [email protected] by Monday February 29th 2016.  

Any new rules will be implemented as soon after the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games as is feasible, and at the latest by January 1st 2017.

Timelines for rule changes

Until Monday February 29th 2016 – all stakeholders may submit proposals, comments and suggestions to [email protected].

March 2016 – feedback will be considered by the IBSA Football Committee.

April-May 2016 – the IBSA Football Committee shall adopt and publish a final rulebook for the period 2017-2012.

After Rio 2016 Paralympic Games – the new rulebook will be implemented gradually until it comes into focrce on January 1st 2017.

We would like to encourage everyone to take part in this process and make your voice heard for the benefit and good of blind football. This is your chance to have a say in the future of your sport.

IBSA Football Committee  

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