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IBSA Football Committee looks to develop referees pool

Date: October 3, 2016

Category: Football

The IBSA Football Committee Referees' Advisory Group (RAG) is looking to the future and has released plans to widen the pool of internationally-recognised offifials for IBSA-sanctioned competitions.

To all National Coordinators of Blind Football (B1 Category) 

On behalf of RAG, we would like to receive from you a proposed list of 3 referees that could officiate in official international tournaments (a basic knowledge of English and/or Spanish is highly recommended) and another proposed list of referees from your country that could officiate in national or regional events.

Please submit the list to by 30th November 2016, attaching a short CV/ profile of each referee and possible footage/videos (or links on youtube).

To all individual referees and officials

We invite you to explore our newly multimedia tool with an interactive presentation of 2013-2017 rule book, although changes have already been approved for the 2017-2021 rule book.

To access the multimedia tool, please contact  to request a password and the website address to check and give us your feedback.

An updated multimedia interactive version on the new rule book will be available in 2017.

To all countries developing blind football

We would like to invite countries to express their interest in hosting seminars for referees in blind football for further development and presenting the new rule book for the period 2017-2021. 

Caption: the IBSA team of blind football officials for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.

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