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IBSA Board online meeting highlights (July 10, 2024)

Date: July 13, 2024

Category: Uncategorized


On July 10, 2024 IBSA’s Executive Board together with Iida Kauppila Chair of the Athlete’s Council met for the fifth time since the elections a year ago.
The meeting had a full agenda and made some very important decisions to further the reforms agreed to aid IBSA’s sustainability as a service provider to blind and visually impaired athletes throughout the world.

One of the main topics discussed was the report from our Vice President, Joe Walsh on the review of the Paris athlete long lists which he has been conducting with the support and assistance of the IPC and with our soon-to-be announced Classification Manager. The Board was also able to agree the decision to recruit a new Head of Classification in the coming months. The Board’s thanks and best wishes were extended to the previous joint Heads for their past support.

And as a further sign of the increased professionalisation of IBSA’s day-to-day operations, the Board was informed by the Executive Director, of appointment of the Sports Manager in addition to the already mentioned Classification Manager: announcements of their names and details will be made shortly once contracts have been agreed. The Executive Director also submitted the 6 monthly report of IBSA’s accountant which showed a healthy balance against budgeted expenditure. The Board was briefed on the preparations for the Paris 2024 activities including press and media operations.

In summary, this recent meeting of the IBSA Executive Board demonstrated the commitment to see IBSA restored to its former harmony and commitment for the benefit of our athletes who will soon be demonstrating their own commitment in the Paris venues aiming to excite and inspire the world.

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