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IBSA Blind Football launches second division for Americas

Date: April 12, 2024

Category: Football

International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) Football has launched the second division for men’s blind football in the Americas in response to the sport’s growing strength, competitiveness and popularity in the build-up to the LA 2028 Paralympic Games.

From 2025 the Americas will join Europe to become the second region to stage division two Championships, with Asia/Oceania and Africa to follow.

San Jose, Costa Rica, has been revealed as the host for the first edition of the IBSA Blind Football Americas Championships Division 2 in December 2025.

The first and second place finishers from the competition will be promoted to division 1, whilst the bottom two teams from the 2026 Americas Championships will be relegated to division 2.

Division 1 will be formed of the top six teams from the last Americas Championships in 2022, plus the top two finishers from the 2025 Division 2 competition. IBSA Blind Football expects that at least six teams – including hosts Costa Rica – will compete in the inaugural division 2 Championships.

IBSA Football Chairperson, Elias Mastoras, said: “Thanks to a huge surge in development in blind football in the Americas and around the world, we are really happy to be in a position to create two divisions in each region from 2025. This shows that there is both growth and demand, but also an increasing quality in the game.

“It is fitting that the Americas Division 2 is the first to be announced, given that LA 2028 is on the horizon. We expect new teams to appear on our blind football map and we are grateful to the organisers in Costa Rica. This competition offers emerging countries something to aim for whilst allowing them the chance to compete against teams with similar experience.

“I also encourage countries in Africa and Asia/Oceania to contact us about the benefits of organising division 2 competitions in their regions.”

More information about the events IBSA Football is looking for hosts from 2025-2028 – including division 2 Championships in different regions – can be found here

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