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How to become a goalball technical delegate

Date: June 18, 2014

Category: Goalball

Being a technical delegate of an IBSA sanctioned event is not an easy task but can be a very rewarding one if you have the right knowledge and team working with you.
A TD (technical delegate) can also sometimes make or break an event for the officials, volunteers and participants. For this reason IBSA Goalball would like to lift the standard of TDs by introducing a TD training program.
IBSA Goalball hopes that this will lead to more people wishing to be a TD because they feel that they can competently fulfil their duties.
We also hope that this will result in a larger number of people in each region who have a working understanding of the IBSA Goalball regulations. Therefore also increasing the amount of people who have the knowledge based expertise throughout the whole globe.
The final aim of this program is to have an equal standard of TDs within all regions. This will result in no one region having a lower standard of tournament and also an equal amount of professionalism across all regions.
 Externally, IBSA Goalball hopes that this will increase the value of IBSA Goalball as a brand and further improve our reputation as an organisation that produces high quality events.
For those who are relatively new to goalball, you may be wondering what the TD does and why is a good functioning TD so important.
The answer is simple; the TD is largely involved in the organisation of an event together with the LOC (local organising committee). This is not only during the actual tournament but also before and after. The TD is often the only person with extensive knowledge of goalball and is responsible for all issues regarding the technical side of goalball. Therefore, if they are unsure and making incorrect decisions, then this will quickly be noticed and their lack of understanding will quickly feed down to the team that they are working with. This could result in many participants having a negative view on their experience at the particular tournament.
Some of the specific duties performed by the TD include:

  • approve the eligibility of teams/nations, athletes and officials
  • prepare the competition format with the LOC
  • Nominate the protest committee
  • Approve the equipment and materials to be used during the tournament
  • Organise referee and officials meetings as well as coaches/team managers  meetings
  • Training and management of technical officials
  • Approving the official results

Due to the role of the TD being so diverse, the course will cover a range of topics including:

  • IBSA Goalball tournament regulations
  • contract between IBSA Goalball and the LOC
  • TD Guidelines
  • Tournament concepts including: pooling and seeding
  • Game protocols
  • Schedules
  • Procedures
  • Protest handling procedures
  • Technical meetings

The course will be largely completed online including through Skype calls. However, there will be also the chance for practical exercises through some tournaments. To give all participants the required amount of training, the course will be done predominantly on an individual basis.
Due to this role being such an important role, we ask that interested participants of the course have the following experiences and competencies:

  • excellent understanding of IBSA rules and competition regulations
  • good command of English language
  • good communication skills
  • experience of large sport events
  • Be an effective but fair leader
  • Experience in leading large groups of volunteers

NB: please note that prior knowledge of goalball is desirable but not essential.
Are you interested or would you like to know more? Please direct your questions to Kari Räsänen. Course applicants are also requested to send a supporting resumé to outline your experience and competencies.

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