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Goalball: Poland and Turkiye as new youth world champions U19

Date: July 20, 2023

Category: Goalball

The national teams of Poland (boys) and Turkiye (girls) are the new IBSA youth world champions. The titles were conquered at the Centro de Treinamento Paralímpico of São Paulo, Brazil, closing the 2023 IBSA Youth World Championships U19.

The Polish team won the boy’s final against Israel (11-7), with eight goals by Marcin Czerwinski, crowned the best scorer of the competition with an incredible number of 74 goals on his own in the seven games in which his team participated!

#Accessibility – Turkish girl’s Goalball national team is celebrating the world champion U19 title with Fatmagul Guler on front standing with the trophy and the rest of the team behind her smiling.

The Turkish girl’s team got a clean victory against Australia (10-0), with the winger Fatmagul Guler scoring eight goals in the final, for a total of 41 goals in the sum of all the matches played by her team. The 18-year-old experienced player was also crowned the best scorer in the women’s tournament, adding to her curriculum the U19 title, along with a senior world title and a Paralympic one at Tokyo.

In the dispute over the bronze medals, Brazil won the boys match played against Korea (9-5), taking its fifth medal in five editions of the competition.

In the girls match, Israel got the best out of the host national team (8-1).

Please check out all the results of the entire competition here.


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