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Brazil announces international judo tournament and training camp in March 2015

Date: October 30, 2014

Category: Judo

The Brazilian Blind Sports Confederation has announced the dates and details for next year's International Judo Grand Prix INFRAERO competition for the blind and partially sighted and training camp with the Brazilian Judo Paralympic Team.

Two options are available for teams wishing to take part in this very successful initiative:

Option 1 – 4th International Judo Grand Prix INFRAERO for the visually impaired 2015

Arrival: Friday, 13th March in the afternoon
Competitions: Saturday, 14th March, from 8:00 to 17:00
Departure: Sunday, 15th March in the morning
Competition location: to be confirmed
Accommodation, food and transport: to be confirmed
Registration Fee: USD 200,00 per person.
This amount includes transfer airport / hotel / airport, inland transport for the competition, accommodation in double or triple rooms and food as follows: Friday, 15th March: Dinner Saturday, 16th March: Breakfast, lunchbox (competition site) and dinner Sunday, 17th March: Breakfast.

Option 2 – 4th International Judo Grand Prix INFRAERO for the visually impaired 2015 and training camp with the Brazilian Judo Paralympic Team

Arrival: Friday, 13th March in the afternoon 
Competitions: Saturday, 14th March, from 8:00 to 17:00
Training: Sunday, 15th March in the afternoon Monday, 16th until Wednesday, 18th March: 2 periods per day
Departure: Thursday, 19rd March in the morning
Training location: Academia Moacyr de Judô, Rua Taquari, 549, Mooca, São Paulo – SP. Accommodation: To be confirmed
Registration Fee: USD 800,00 per person
This amount includes transfer airport / hotel / airport, inland transport for both training and competition, accommodation in double or triple rooms and food as follows: Friday, 13th March: Dinner Saturday, 14th March: Breakfast, lunchbox (competition site) and dinner Sunday until Wednesday, 15th until 18nd March: breakfast, lunch and dinner Thursday, 19rd March: breakfast.

For more information on the event click on the link above or contact [email protected].

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