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Hosts Wanted for 2020 Youth Goalball Regional Championships

Date: February 19, 2019

Category: Goalball

IBSA Goalball invites bids and full application documents from IBSA member federations in good standing that are interested in hosting 2020 goalball regional youth championships for the Africa, Americas, Asia/Pacific and European regions.  Proposed championship dates should fall between 1 April and 30 November 2020.

Interested federations should apply using the attached IBSA Competition – Application for Approval form and submit the application to the IBSA Goalball Subcommittee [email protected] not later than 14 April 2019.  If no bid applications are received by the application deadline, the IBSA Goalball Subcommittee reserves the option to negotiate
with potential organizers outside the normal bidding process.


Please ensure your application includes the following information.  You may provide any additional infomation in a separate document that accompanies the application form.

  • Whether you are bidding to host a competition for male athletes, female athletes or both.
  • Information about the proposed competiton location to include the name of the facility and any details about the location that may be relevant to the IBSA Goalball competition rules and regulations.
  • ​The name of the closest major airport and transportation plans between the airport and the proposed competition venue.
  • A funding plan that includes proposed revenue sources, expenses and anticipated tournament costs.

Please feel free to contact us, [email protected], with any any questions you may have.

Yours in sport,
IBSA Goalball Subcommittee

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