Finland Wins Inaugural Vancouver International Grand Slam Goalball Tournament
Date: March 25, 2016
Category: Goalball
The Vancouver Goalball Club hosted the inaugural Vancouver International Grand Slam Tournament from March 18-20. 2016, at the Fortius Sport and Helth Centre in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. A total of eight men's teams from three countries competed over the weekend.
1st Place: Finland, winners of the $5000CAD cash prize
2nd Place: USA 2
3rd Place: USA 1
4th Place: Alberta Young Guns
Other teams included British Columbia 1, British Columbia 2 and the Vancouver Goalball Club.
Tournament Best Offensive Player "Mario Caron Award" – Grej Pesjaka (USA 2)
Tounament Best Defensive Player – Erkki Miinala – Finland
These two players were awarded with a $250CAD cash prize and a trophy.
Photo courtesy DLR Photography –