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Search for new IBSA Goalball chairman begins

Date: October 30, 2014

Category: Goalball

As most of you are aware, on 31 December 2014 Dr Kari Marklund will step down as chairman of the IBSA Goalball subcommittee. This is after a long and distinguished career in not only disabled but also able bodied sport. Kari will be greatly missed but IBSA feels that it is now time that they start the process to fill this position.
Even though Kari’s departure will leave some mighty shoes to be filled, we believe that there is a candidate who is willing and has the capability to take this challenge on.
If you feel that you or one of your contacts meets the criteria of the job description (please open from the link at the top of this article) then we encourage you or your contact to apply prior to Monday 17 November 2014. Applicants are required to complete the nomination form (see link at top of this page) and also enclose a CV.
Once the deadline for applications has passed, a shortlist of suitable applicants will be formulated. The shortlist of candidates will then be interviewed by the selection committee. Following the interview process a decision will be made and later announced.
Goalball is one of IBSA’s flagship sports and the most popular. Goalball is played in over 100 countries. Goalball has been an official Paralympic sport since 1980.
If you would like additional information regarding this position or have any comments or questions, we ask you direct them to the Executive Director of IBSA, Neil O’Donovan.

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