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Goalball coming together in Canada

Date: January 24, 2014

Category: Goalball

For the second weekend in a row, a large goalball tournament is taking place. This time Montreal, Canada is the host city.
This weekend the 2014 Montreal Open Tournament is taking place. Even though this tournament is largely filled with club teams from three continents, it is a chance for goalballers to play a high level tournament as players look to perfect their technique ahead of national team selection or just to further develop their ability. One last reason for participation is to just simply compete and have fun with one’s club.
Ten male teams have been split into two pools. British Columbia, Quebec, FIFH Malmö (Sweden), Alberta and Atlantic (Nova Scotia) make up pool A. Pool B is formed with Venom Pennsylvania, Nova Scotia, Omega Michigan, All Blacks Ontario and Manitoba.
On the women’s side, six teams have been placed into one group; Japan, Trilliuns (Ontario), Quebec, British Columbia, Storm (Nova Scotia) and Alberta.
The teams will begin with a round robin. Following this they will then move into semi-finals. A full copy of the schedule can be found at the top of this article.

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